Pennsylvania & New Jersey Severance Agreements Attorney
Some employers ask their employees to sign an agreement during a termination or lay-off. You should not sign these agreements unless you fully understand what you are signing.
While these agreements frequently offer some sort of benefit – such as continued pay or benefits – they generally ask you to give up important rights, such as the right to file a wrongful termination lawsuit.
If you are presented with a severance agreement, it is important that you immediately contact an experienced employment attorney. Because you are being asked to sign a promise not to sue your employer, you should discuss your employment situation with an attorney to determine whether there is cause to believe that you were terminated.
The attorneys at the Law Office of Eric A. Shore, P.C. can review your severance agreement and determine whether your employer is offering a fair amount. Our attorneys can also determine if you have any leverage that could convince your employer to expand the terms of the agreement by giving you additional money or benefits.