Jackknife Truck Accidents

Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

If you were hurt in a jackknife accident or if a loved one was hurt or killed as a result of one, you need a Philadelphia jackknife accident lawyer to help you navigate the difficult legal process and obtain the financial damages to which you and your family are legally entitled. The personal injury law firm of Law Offices of Eric A. Shore focuses on personal injury cases and has committed attorneys who can handle your case. 

Jackknife truck accidents frequently result in multi-vehicle, multi-victim chain reactions. Investigating the crash site can result in a chaotic situation. The chance to gather and save crucial evidence, to document the accident scene right after a crash, and to get witness statements while the accident is still fresh in their minds can all be lost if the truck accident victim hesitates to reach out to a jackknife truck accident lawyer immediately. 

Any further delay can make or break your case. It is in your best interest to call our law office today!

Why do I need a Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney?

Jackknife Truck Accidents

After being involved in a jackknife accident, there are many different reasons why you should have a Philadelphia jackknife truck accident lawyer on your side. Accidents involving a large, heavy semi-truck in a jackknife can result in severe injuries that can change your or your loved one’s life forever. 

Semi-truck jackknife accidents can be complex. But you don’t have to face this battle alone. The Law Offices of Eric A. Shore will be able to guide you through handling your personal injury case. Our attorneys will be able to:

  • Determine liability for your accident: Was the motorist speeding or acting erratically? Has the trucking company neglected to inspect, maintain, or repair the truck as required? Did the truck’s component manufacturer supply faulty parts?
  • Interview witnesses and gather police reports: If there were witnesses to the accident, our lawyers would speak with them. We’ll gather data from the police and emergency personnel at the scene, look through traffic camera recordings, witness cell phone photos, and hire a qualified witness for your defense if the case goes to trial.
  • Identify maximum fair compensation: Many jackknife accidents result in serious injuries, and you may incur high medical costs, lost wages, chronic pain, emotional distress, damage to your car, loss of your car and any personal property inside of it, and other expenses. Our attorneys at the Law Offices of Eric A. Shore know who should be held accountable and how to pursue damages for your suffering.
  • Deal and negotiate with the insurance company: The insurance provider for the trucking company will get in touch with you following a jackknife truck accident to try to work out a settlement. Before accepting any offer, speak with our Philadelphia truck accident lawyer.
  • Collect important evidence: Truck accidents are more difficult to prove than car accidents. Multiple parties can be at fault, and understanding the intricacies of commercial truck insurance requires experience. We can help you gather the truck driver’s logbook, “black box” electronic data, the truck’s maintenance records, the trucking company’s safety record, the truck driver’s cell phone data, and other sources of information.

If you or a loved one was hurt in a truck jackknife accident brought on by another negligent driver, speak with a Philadelphia jackknife accident lawyer as soon as possible. Call us now for a free consultation!

What is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

It jackknifes when a truck loses traction or its hold on the road. A loss of traction with the road can cause both the cab and the trailer to slide, with the trailer swinging around to face the cab at a 90-degree angle. The resulting layout gave this horrific accident its nickname of “jackknife.”

These collisions can potentially cause injuries that are extremely serious and even potentially fatal in some cases. If you have been hit from the side by a semi-truck that has jackknifed, we strongly suggest that you schedule an appointment with a jackknife truck accident attorney in Philadelphia as soon as possible to discuss your legal options as an accident victim.

Causes of Jackknife Accidents 

Jackknifing can occur for a variety of reasons. If you were injured or lost a loved one in a jackknife truck accident, you should work with a Philadelphia personal injury attorney who will investigate the accident, determine the cause of the jackknifing, and identify the responsible party.

Among the most frequent causes of jackknife accidents are:

  • Distracted driving – trucks can jackknife if the driver isn’t paying close attention to the speed and direction of traffic while operating the vehicle.
  • Speeding – when approaching a turn or curve in the road, excessive speed can make a driver lose control.
  • Lack of sleep – a sleepy driver, could fall asleep at the wheel and crash the truck.
  • Poor vehicle maintenance – the tractor-trailer’s brakes may not function properly if they haven’t undergone a thorough inspection and maintenance.
  • Bad weather conditions – rain, hail, fog, and sleet are a few of the poor driving conditions that can result in truck accidents. When someone is operating a commercial truck with a heavy load during bad weather, the risks are multiplied.
  • Equipment malfunction – every vehicle needs to have safety features. It may be accomplished through routine vehicle maintenance. However, the likelihood of accidents increases when some problems are disregarded and go unnoticed.
  • Overloading – trucks must be properly loaded when transporting heavy loads. Otherwise, there is a chance that problems with wide turns could result in severe accidents.
  • Negligent hiring practices – when transportation companies hire drivers who lack the necessary education, credentials, or licenses or who have a track record of reckless driving, accidents like jackknife crashes may happen, injuring innocent bystanders.

Philadelphia truck accident lawyers frequently play a crucial role in assisting truck accident victims in obtaining the compensation they are due after a truck collision. 

Jackknife Accident Liability 

Several factors may cause jackknife truck accidents. These possibly negligent parties responsible for the truck crash are

  • Truck Driver – the truck driver may be liable for your losses if their carelessness caused an accident. 
  • Trucking Companies – the trucking companies may be held vicariously liable for the negligence of their truck drivers. If the business also committed negligence, such as failing to train drivers or hiring someone with a history of moving violations, or failing to schedule routine vehicle inspections, the company may also be held liable.
  • Loading Companies – cargo loading companies may be held liable if they fail to ensure that a truck is properly loaded. 
  • Truck Manufacturer – if a truck component was flawed from the start, the truck manufacturer can be held liable for product liability. In other situations, the company’s mechanic could be held accountable for a fatal mechanical error.
  • Government Entity – roads and highways must be regularly inspected, maintained, and free of potentially dangerous hazards. If a truck runs into a road hazard resulting in an accident, the negligent government agency should be held responsible for the victim’s losses. 

Determining liability in a commercial truck accident is the most challenging. Reach out and seek legal advice from a Philadelphia jackknife truck accident lawyer to establish liability for your claim.

Jackknife Accident Injuries

Frequently, victims of jackknife accidents sustain severe injuries that can have a lifelong impact. Here are some of the most common injuries caused by accidents involving jackknife crashes:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Concussion
  • Internal bleeding or organ damage
  • Dislocated or broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Amputations
  • Serious burns
  • Catastrophic injury 

You may be able to file a compensation claim even if you only sustained minor injuries during the jackknife accident. Talking to a Philadelphia jackknife truck accident lawyer is the most effective way to gain an understanding of the legal options available to you.

Compensation Claims for Jackknife Truck Accident

A beloved family member or spouse passing away cannot be replaced by money in any amount. However, monetary compensation can help you with any financial difficulties you may be having and guarantee your family’s future security. 

The truck accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Eric A. Shore respond immediately in any truck accident cases. We collaborate with the best experts and investigators to identify the negligent behaviors that led to your accident and hold the responsible parties accountable. To ensure you get the money you deserve, we will look into every avenue of recovery. As a jackknife truck accident victim, you may be entitled to compensation for the following:

  • Hospital bills 
  • Other medical treatment
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Emotional distress 
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage 
  • Wrongful death 
  • Punitive damages, in some cases

Should You Accept At-Fault Party’s Insurance Settlement Offer?

You can anticipate hearing from the liable party’s insurance company after you file a personal injury claim against the liable party or parties. If the insurance provider determines that their client is liable and your case is strong, this is even more feasible.

You will receive a call from the insurance company with what may seem like a reasonable offer. Even though you might be tempted to accept the offer, you shouldn’t accept any offers until you have spoken with a Philadelphia jackknife accident lawyer. Adjusters employed by insurance companies are tasked with making you an offer significantly less than what you are entitled to.

Keep in mind that insurance companies exist to generate revenue. It is in their best interest to persuade you to accept a settlement significantly less than what you may be owed. The pressure of your current circumstance, strategies like a limited-time offer, and the lack of legal representation are frequently used by insurance companies to induce you to accept their offer.

We at Law Offices of Eric A. Shore are confident that you can always obtain significantly more compensation than the insurance companies are willing to give you in a truck or tractor-trailer accident.

How Long Does a Jackknife Truck Accident Case Take?

Every case is unique, so any jackknife truck accident attorney in Philadelphia who promises to resolve it in a specific period of time is either lying or may choose to settle your case for less than it is worth to do so quickly. The complexity of the investigation, the severity of your injuries, the length of your medical care, and whether or not your case will go to trial will all affect how long your case will take.

Settlements in truck accident cases frequently take a year or longer to complete. Your legal team at Law Offices of Eric A. Shore will represent you personally throughout that time, assisting you at every turn. We will keep you updated on the progress of your case, and we won’t accept a settlement offer without first talking to you.

Statute of Limitations in a Jackknife Accident Claim in Pennsylvania

The statute of limitations, which determines when a truck accident claim must be filed, is set by each state. You typically have two years from the accident date to file a claim in Pennsylvania. You will be unable to receive compensation if you miss this window. This deadline ensures that evidence is still available and encourages timely filing for a more effective legal process. 

The statute of limitations has a few narrow exceptions, but certain circumstances can change this deadline:

  • Minors: If the truck accident victim is a child under 18, the statute of limitations does not begin to run until they turn 18.
  • Claim Against a Government Agency: If you bring a truck accident injury claim against a city, county, or state government, you must first file a notice of intent to sue within six months.

It is crucial to speak to a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you recover the compensation you deserve.

Call our Competent Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer Now!

As with all truck collisions, jackknifing accidents can seriously harm other motorists. It is crucial to contact a Philadelphia jackknife accident lawyer who can help you understand your rights if you or someone you know is hurt in a jackknife truck accident. Our Philadelphia jackknife truck accident lawyers at Law Offices of Eric A. Shore will fight for your rights to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Get in touch with the Law Offices of Eric A. Shore for a free initial consultation immediately. Do not wait until it’s too late to pursue justice and compensation. Reach out to us today!

Personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Eric A. Shore have vast experience representing car accident victims in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Contact us online or call 1-800-CANT-WORK (1-856-433-6173) or 856-761-1222 today to schedule your free consultation at one of our offices. Whether in settlement talks or before a jury, we will passionately advocate on your behalf. Because we work on a contingency basis, our fee is paid only when we win for you.

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